BWP Stallion Approval: busy times for the Veterinary Faculty in Gent

BWP Stallion Approval: busy times for the Veterinary Faculty in Gent

As from April of this year, stallions could be presented for the first phase of the stallion selection procedure : the veterinary examinations at the Gent University. Like every year, there was no rush during the first semester of the year. Meanwhile, the stallion selection website is online, including the entering forms and all necessary information. Moreover, the stallion selection shows abroad are being organized these days. These are all elements which make that the telephone in Gent rings almost constantly. Did the stallion get a positive veterinary advice ? Then he can be entered, before December 2,  for the Second Phase of the selection procedure.

The same applies to the stallions eligible for participation in the BWP Top Stallion Auction. We are anxious to know the number of candidates.

Website BWP stallion approval:
Entering via checklist:


Second Phase BWP Stallion Selection : January 21-23, 2016; Azelhof, Lier (Aarschotsesteenweg 201, Koningshooikt).
BWP Top Stallion Auction : January 23, 2016; Azelhof, Lier (Aarschotsesteenweg 201, Koningshooikt).

Third Phase of the BWP Stallion Selection : March 17-19, 2016; Stal Hulsterlo, Meerdonk (Kouterstraat 6).