Information dam line:
1° DAM: For Fun ter Doorn, P-label, Jump. 1m40
Offspring: Ivory ter Doorn (Crown Z), Jump. 1m45 – Kentucky ter Doorn (Corland), gekeurde hengst, Jump. 1m25 – Bombay ter Doorn Z (Bamako de Muze), approved stallion, Jump. 1m20 – Koko Nor ter Doorn (By Cera d’Ick), Jump. 1m40 – Bluff ter Doorn (Bamako de Muze), approved stallion
2° DAM: Olidame v/d Padenborre, P- en E-label, Jump. 1m30
Offspring: Udamco II ter Doorn (Darco), Jump. 1m45 – Dolifore ter Doorn (For Pleasure), Jump. 1m50 – Ellechin ter Doorn (Chin Chin), Jump. 1m60 – Galipolli ter Doorn (Chin Chin), Jump. 1m50 - Havana ter Doorn (Lord Z), Jump. 1m40 – Jojoe ter Doorn (Toulon), Jump. 1m45 – Elila ter Doorn Z (Elvis ter Putte), Jump. 1m40 – Olidame ter Doorn (Elvis ter Putte), Jump. 1m40
3° DAM: Grand Espoir V.Padenborre
Boston ter Doorn’s dam line produced several international jumping horses. His dam For Fun ter Doorn produced already four BWP approved stallions. Boston ter Doorn Z has a good rectangular conformation. He could be a little bit more attractive at the front. He has ground covering movements with a good impulsion. He seemed not so fresh during the tests but he showed again his jumping qualities and power.
Type :
Boston ter Doorn Z is a strong and well-developed stallion who could have slightly more stallion expression. He has a good rectangular conformation. He could be slightly more delicate in the front. The neck lacks some length. He has much depth. His middle section and hindquarter are strongly muscled.
Legs :
The legs are well-developed and the stance is correct, but they could have slightly more length. The hind legs are a little straight. The feet are good.
Movements :
He walks easy and smooth. His trot is ground covering and has impulsion. He canters covering and switches easily. Hij moves powerful on hard ground.
Free jumping :
He is a careful and regular jumper. His front leg technique is slightly varying. The use of his body is sufficient. The swings out well with his hindquarter and shows good power.
Riding under test riders :
His willingness to work and ‘rittigkeit’ under the saddle is good. The feeling of the mouth is good. He reacts well to the leg aids. The walk and trot are good to very good. The canter is covering and well-jumped.
Jumping under the saddle :
He seem a little tired during the jumping under the saddle test. His use of his body is sufficient and he swings out well. He shows good power.
Evaluation dam : For Fun ter Doorn, °2005, 172cm (issued in 2012 )
For Fun ter Doorn has a ample rectangular conformation. Her jaws are slightly heavy. Her withers is high and amply long. She is a little deep in the back, but her loins are strong. Her legs are lean and proportional. He has slightly wide hoofs. Her walk is amply covering. She lacks some suppleness and impulsion in trot.
This report concerns a evaluation of the stallion during the second and/or third phase of the BWP stallion selection. It is a description of the observations during these moments. Depending on the further development of the stallion some characteristics can change.