Another week and the 2024 BWP Stallion Selection starts.
What does the program look like?
January, 10
* Measuring of the height and checking of the description
* Obligate Exploration of the arena (12.30 pm - 8 pm)
January, 11
* 9 am: Inspection of conformation and gaits on a hard and soft ground
1. Candidate breeding stallions BWP, jumping
2. Candidate breeding stallions not-BWP, jumping
7 pm:
3. Candidate breeding stallions BWP, dressage
4. Candidate breeding stallions not-BWP, dressage
* Lunging for the dressage stallions
1. Candidate breeding stallions BWP
2. Candidate breeding stallions not-BWP
*Announcement selection dressage stallions accepted for the following day
January, 12
* 9 am: Loose jumping: candidate breeding stallions, jumping
Candidate breeding stallions BWP
* Free movements: selected candidate breeding stallions, dressage
1. Candidate breeding stallions BWP
2. Candidate breeding stallions not-BWP
* Loose jumping: candidate breeding stallions, jumping
Candidate breeding stallions not-BWP
* BWP Ambassadors & Elite Stallions
*Announcement selection jumping stallions accepted for the following day.
* 8.30 pm : BWP Embryo Auction
January, 13
* 8 am: Loose jumping for the selected jumping stallions
1. Candidate breeding stallions not-BWP
2. Candidate breeding stallions BWP
* Proclamation
* 1.00 pm: Belgian Stallion Competition
* 8.30 pm BWP Top Stallion Auction