Belgian Warmblood third in the final jumping ranking

Belgian Warmblood third in the final jumping ranking
 The definite WBFSH rankings are known. Holstein heads the final studbook ranking, mainly thanks to Chesall Zimequest (by Casall), ridden by Simon Delestre. The highest ranked Belgian horse individually is the BWP mare Gazelle ter Elzen. Thanks to her beautiful 3d place, BWP occupies the third place in the studbook ranking, which surely is a very good result. For making up the studbook ranking, the scores of the best horses of each studbook are taken into account. For BWP, the following 6 horses jumped the studbook to that nice third palce :

Gazelle ter Elzen (3°): Kashmir van Schuttershof x Indoctro - Breeder: Werner Heuninckx - Van Hoornyck

First Class van Eeckelghem (14°): Balou du Rouet x Feinschnitt I van de Richter - Breeder: Pierre Floru

Flora de Mariposa (15°): For Pleasure x Power Light - Breeder: Herman De Brabander
Elky van he Indihof (25°): Toulon x Thunder van de Zuuthoeve - Breeder: Didier Baert
Emerald van he Ruytershof (28°): Diamant de Semilly x Carthago - Breeder: Bert Van den Branden
Equita v/h Zorgvliet (35°): Cassini I x Darco - Breeder: André Braeckevelt