Belgian Warmblood n° 1

Belgian Warmblood n° 1
Last month Belgian Warmblood earned a second place in the WBFSH rankings. The horses that already scored great and got our studbook a second place on the rakings did it again a month later. Better yet, Gazelle ter Elzen jumps herself to second place on world level with her rider Kent Farrington. The other horses that contributed are no strangers to the public either. Flora de Mariposa takes a sixth place. First Class van Eeckelghem is number 19 and is followed by the number 22 Emerald van het Ruytershof. Elky van het Indihof is number 25 and the Belgian Warmblood that goes to the Olympic Game for Belgium, Grand Cru vd Rozenberg on number 29. Gazelle ter Elzen: KASHMIR VAN SCHUTTERSHOF x INDOCTRO – Breeder: WERNER HEUNINCKX-VAN HOORNYCK Flora de Mariposa: FOR PLEASURE X POWER LIGHT – Breeder: Herman De Brabander First Class van Eeckelghem: Balou du Rouet x Feinschnitt I van de Richter – Breeder: Pierre Floru Emerald van het Ruytershof: DIAMANT DE SEMILLY x CARTHAGO – Breeder: Bert Van den Branden Elky van het Indihof: Toulon x Thunder van de Zuuthoeve – Breeder: Didier Baert Grand Cru vd Rozenberg: Malito De Reve X Heartbreaker – Breeder: Joost Verkinderen